Live Event Captioning
Live event captioning offers immediate, verbatim, voice-to-text translation at events, conferences, classes, public hearings, and government meetings. You may hear people call this service CART Captioning.
LNS provides access for participants with hearing disabilities, for those new to learning the English language, or for audience members who simply have trouble hearing the audio in a noisy venue. The live captions can be presented on a laptop display for an individual or can connect to a projector to give the whole audience access to captions. For information regarding captioning via webstream, visit ourĀ LNS Webstream page.
We use remote captioning for most events, due to a small pool of local captioners in our area. Advance reservation for this service is necessary. Call us at your earliest convenience to book our captioners. For high quality captions, we request scripts or preparation material in advance.